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Aries Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for July. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Aries Monthly Forecast

Why July Is All About Home, Family, Household and Real Estate

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The New Moon in Cancer arrives on July 5th, 2024. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st will be opposite the Sun in Cancer. This nods to the distant future as from June 24th and 25th next year (2025), the biggest and best becomes possible with your relatives; household; apartment; house; town; country.

You will play a waiting game that benefits you in July, Aries. This may be about one side of the family tree, and the other – in terms of location (town or country), people (the relatives), culture (history and heritage) or more spiritual reasons.

There is a real need to belong in July. To feel at home. To have a sense of place. So, if you have major family, home, property, vacation or flatmate/roommate plans ahead for 2025, they will be called in, from the future, this month.

With the Sun and Moon circling your home and heritage zone, you must figure out what feels right for next year.

Duets and Duels

You will also find yourself wondering about 2025 a lot more in July and the way it’s going to be with a duet or duel. This may be a recent arrival (a new boyfriend) or a current competitor (your girlfriend’s former partner, who won’t go away). The planets in their courses are picking up the South Node in Libra, your opposite sign. Opposites attract. Or do they? Your current partner, or a potential replacement for the future, has that magnetic but also challenging quality.

One thing that is blatantly clear in your chart is karma from 18-19 years ago. This may have been with your husband at the time, or a fleeting lover. The karma could be about all sorts of things, but on a spiritual level, you either owe, or you are owed. That might explain the situation you find yourself in now, stocktaking about quite a complicated year.

The South Node in Libra is about what repeats, until you change. When you change, the circuit doesn’t break, but you do transform, which is the whole point. In any case, Aries, January 2025 ends this. For some of you it will be the end of a current relationship that you have discovered is a big karmic lesson for you. On this transit you can never just have a sexual escape or a romantic fantasy (Fiction Romance, as the Buzzcocks had it). When the South Node is involved in your Seventh House it becomes more like a PhD for your soul. A big education for your very being.

Are you a Premium Member? Pick up all the complimentary online guidebooks and digital Tarot and Oracle cards for your own predictions now, if you haven’t already. You do stand to gain from moving, renovating, redecorating, reshuffling the family or household this time next year – and now is the time to create the future. The digital card decks on my website are here to give you a three-way reading, if you wish. Read on for Premium Member Diary Dates.

  • Pamela’s Tarot flipbook guide
  • The Garden Oracle
  • The Astrology Oracle cards
  • The Extended Smith-Waite Tarot


…the remainder of this article is available exclusively to Premium members. 


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