Introduction to Astrology Lessons

Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Your Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign reveals how you play mother. This applies to men too. The Moon goes through regular phases in the night sky where it grows, big and round, like a pregnant mother’s stomach. That’s synchronicity!

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Sun Signs – Part 2

You can see your choices and issues with brilliant clarity, when the Sun travels through your chart. It shows you people, projects, places, organisations and situations in detail. It’s like having a spotlight or microscope turned on one area of yourself and your life.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: All About Pluto

Pluto was dwarfed, as we all know. By sign and house in your natal chart, he shows where you want it all, temporarily have it all, then have to be cut down to size by life, other people or organisations.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: All About Jupiter

Your Jupiter sign and house shows you where you are born lucky and can afford to be generous with other people. Even if you go through a hideous cycle in this same house of your chart, Jupiter will protect you.

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Apollo in Modern Astrology

Apollo is a symbol of leaders. People who are influential and frequently imitated. By zodiac sign and house, he shows you where you lead others.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Why Astrology Works

Astrology works. It predicted a 2020 virus and economic shock years ago. If you know your birth time, place and date – or even just your birthday – please use it. Could there be any more intriguing way to spend the coming days at home?

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Free Weekly Astrology Class: The Nodes and Destiny

The North Node and South Node move backwards through the 12 signs of the zodiac. They hit the same sign every 19 years (approximately) and according to astrology, this triggers karma from 19 years ago, and 19 years before that, and so on. Right into past lives.

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Gemini Factors in the Horoscope

Gemini is ruled by Mercury and also rules the Third House of your horoscope. For over 2000 years, Mercury (formerly known as Hermes to the Greeks) has been a powerful Roman symbol of writers and broadcasters.

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Free Weekly Astrology Class: Wall Street

Your free astrology class this week is really hands-on. We’re moving towards a Full Moon in Scorpio opposite the Sun in Taurus, on May 7th, 2020. It falls at 17 degrees of both signs.

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Free Weekly Astrology Class: Ceres and Proserpina

A symbol of ‘the bridge’ between two powerful people or organisations. Just as she was a bridge between her controlling husband Pluto and her controlling mother, Ceres! In fact Proserpina ended up with more control than either of them, because they wanted her both.

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