Search Results for: birth chart – Page 3

Your Virgo Planets and the Virus

Do you have Uranus and Pluto in Virgo? (You will, if you are in your fifties). Maybe you actually are a Virgo, or you have another planet or asteroid in that sign. The virus was predicted with astrology specifically for March 9th 2020 back in November 2019. How will you be affected and what is the bigger message from the Virgo factors in your Premium Member birth chart?

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New 2019 Astrology – Libra Season

Were you born 1968 to 1984? You have Pluto or Uranus in Libra and are strongly affected by Libra Season from September-November 2019. Do you have Libra factors in your personal birth chart? Past, present or potential lovers are in focus.

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Super Virgo Weather 2019

We’re in for super Virgo weather in 2019 with a high number of patterns, including the Virgo New Moon, in this sign. How is your zodiac sign affected and also your personal birth chart?

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The Moon 50th Anniversary Eclipse in Astrology

The astrology of the eclipse on Tuesday 16th July falls on the #Moon50 celebrations, as horoscope patterns pick up Capricorn aspects in your birth chart just as the Moon 50th commemorations begin. How are you affected and how is the world?

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Choosing Launch Dates With Astrology

When is the perfect time to launch a business? There is no ‘perfect’ but there is certainly ‘fantastic.’ Here is what to watch out for in astrology, using your personal birth chart (horoscope) to find the natural highs.

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Nostradamus and the Notre Dame Horoscope

Cathedrals have ‘birth charts’ too. Notre Dame was likely founded in 1163. The Nostradamus predictions for her are hopeful, uncannily accurate – and even involve a mysterious LV. Is this Louis Vuitton? And why did the fire burn on Da Vinci’s birthday?

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Supermoon Equinox Astrology 2019

Did you see my comments on the Equinox in The Express in Britain? By Thursday, March 21st, you will have two new chapters starting in your life thanks to the Supermoon Equinox. What are they? If you are a Premium Member, there may also be some timing secrets based on your personal birth chart.

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Chiron in Aries 2018 to 2026

Chiron is in Aries April 17th 2018 to September 25th 2018, then February 18th 2019 to June 19th 2026, then finally from September 17th 2026 to April 14th 2027. What does it mean in your horoscope and also your personal birth chart?

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New Moon 2019 Planning Secrets

How do you get what you want in 2019? Use the New Moon. Not just any old New Moon. Try for those that chime with your personal birth chart. It only takes seconds to look up. And it could change your whole year.

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Neptune in Pisces to 2026

Neptune is in Pisces until 2026, but the patterns he makes in your astrology chart show you year-by-year updates. Neptune in Pisces, astrology and all your horoscope trends are revealed by ‘stations’ (standstills) but also by Neptune-Jupiter squares in 2019. How are you affected? What does your zodiac sign but also your personal birth chart tell you?

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Horoscope Tips and Tricks

Here are some of my favourite horoscope tips and tricks from my time as the columnist at Elle, Vogue and online Harper’s Bazaar. I’ve also edited extracts here from my book 2020 Vision (Penguin). This is tailored to your personal birth chart

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America? Capricorn!

America has a birth chart for 4th July and most astrologers believe she’s a Cancer country. That’s certainly one version of this proud, patriotic, wonderful country. I have proof she’s probably a Capricorn.

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Premium Podcast

Podcast: Jupiter in Scorpio

For the first time since 2006, Jupiter moves into Scorpio the business, finance and boom sign. There will be a ripple effect around the world which will benefit you if you have planets, asteroids or other points in Scorpio in your birth chart.

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The July 2024 Full Moon

The Full Moon on Sunday 21st July 2024 is extremely important for millions of careers, academic careers and political careers too. It foreshadows the final reshuffle of power and control worldwide, including Trump, in September-November 2024.

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Trump, Republicans, Assassinations and Astrology

The Republican Party astrology chart shows crisis in April and May 2021 based on its ‘birth’ horoscope set for October 12th 1853. The Trump Shooting of July 2024 also fit a pattern for other assassinations. First published in 2019.

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