
The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius

What is in store for you and the world as Saturn, Jupiter and finally Pluto go through Aquarius, now until 2023.

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Scorpio Full Moon Astrology

The Scorpio Full Moon of May 2020 is a full stop for your sign. How is your horoscope affected? Scorpio Full Moon astrology trends are about big financial and economic choices for you, your people or the world. Find out more.

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How October 2020 Brings Donald Down

October 2020 is a crisis month for Donald Trump. Just one month before the 2020 Election. For Donald Trump to come back and be President in November 2020, or even just redeem his reputation – nothing short of a couple of miracles would have to take place.

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The New Age of Aquarius

What is #TheNewAgeofAquarius and when does it begin? Why will simple people power change the planet, and how does your personal astrology chart chime? Hint: If you are an Aquarian it’s time to set your alarm.

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Greta, Astrology and Climate Predictions

The astrology chart for Greta Thunberg shows she’s going to win. The only question is, how good is the new world going to be? That is where you and your horoscope come in. See why predictions from two years ago are already coming true…

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Super Virgo Weather 2019

We’re in for super Virgo weather in 2019 with a high number of patterns, including the Virgo New Moon, in this sign. How is your zodiac sign affected and also your personal birth chart?

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July 2019 Eclipses in Astrology

Astrology explains July 2019 eclipses as blind spots and cover-ups, but how Is your horoscope affected? The July 2nd and 16th eclipses in your personal astrological chart show how you’re left in the dark.

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Find Your Indian Guru Sign

What is your Indian Guru or Jupiter sign? Also known as Brihaspati this is the secret connection between East and West in astrology. It reveals how you teach, guide and help others – and also the blessings of wisdom you are born with. Where is your good karma?

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Dating Aquarius in Astrology

If you only have five minutes to get to know somebody, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.

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Eclipse! July 2018 Astrology

Eclipse! On July 27th and 28th, 2018 we have the longest lunar eclipse in a century. If you’re in the right place, you will also see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with your naked eye – without a telescope. What does this mean for your horoscope? What’s the astrology story for your sign?

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2018 Air Sign Horoscope Karma

Your horoscope karma is decided by the cycles of the North Node and South Node in astrology. Until November 2018 the North Node is in Leo and the South Node is in Aquarius.

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Your Aries Stellium

If you have an Aries stellium, you’re a blend of David Beckham, Rocky, Tracey Emin and Aretha Franklin. True?

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Uranus in Taurus Predictions

Money is ruled by Taurus in the horoscope and also by Scorpio. Using those two signs it is possible to make accurate, dated predictions about the sharemarkets.

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The Eleventh House

The Eleventh House of the horoscope describes your communities – groups of friends and acquaintances – and social media.

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Decoding Your Birth Chart

If you are a Premium Member, so you can look up your personal birth chart and see exactly what is going on with your own natal horoscope.

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Monthly Horoscopes by Jessica Adams
Astrology Basics

Astrology for Absolute Beginners

If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.

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